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NGO / Assignment / Charity Vaccines

NGO / Assignment / Charity Vaccines

Ireland and Irish People are world leaders in providing aid at all levels to third world and developing countries. The Tropical Medical Bureau provides many of Irelands leading Non-government (NGO) and Government Agencies with important health and medical services.

Education Seminars

If a group is about to departure on an assignment we can advise them on what to expect and how to stay in good health. One of our medical staff can attend to give a seminar. This can form a useful part of your training program.

Pre-Departure Medical Screening

People involved in Development or Aid work often find themselves in stressful situations, in regions with under developed health systems and other basic infrastructures we take for granted.
It is important therefore that these people are in good health and remain so while they are on assignment. Our NGO health services include Pre-Departure services, designed to assist in this area. It involves a full range of tests including psychological assessment, physical and laboratory based tests. Workers are also scheduled with whatever vaccines are necessary to ensure they are adequately protected.


Many tropical diseases only present themselves weeks maybe months after the person has returned. The post- exposure service is designed to ensure no health problems have occurred while the individual was on assignment. Combining the Post and Pre Departure consultations provides the best level of protection.

If you are an NGO or work with the Irish Government in overseas development and would like further details please have no hesitation in contacting or contact us.