ways to prevent skin cancer

Don’t underestimate the Irish weather!

During the summer months the Irish weather tends be very unpredictable so we are usually quite unprepared for it.
Our desperate need for our hit of Vitamin D means that we throw caution to the wind and embrace the rare warm Irish weather, attempting to make the most of it before it disappears again.

However, there are some very important things to think about when the sun does show its head, that you might not consider.

We all get very excited when the Irish weather finally picks up in the summer months and try to embrace it as much as we can before it disappears again. What we forget is that the sun is still harmful and that there’s still a need to protect ourselves, even on home ground.

Always wear sunscreen

Always wear sunscreen when exposed to the sun. The sun’s rays can be just as strong whether you are on a beach in the Costa del Sol or in a park in Ireland so make sure you avoid the lobster look by staying protected! Take a tip from Baz…

Stay hydrated

If you’re making the most of the Irish weather by going along to an outdoor gig, heading for a hike up the Wicklow Mountains, or simply planning to spend the day active outdoors, make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water to ensure you can make the most of your day. This particularly applies if you’re planning on enjoying a few alcoholic drinks in the sunshine. If you have tickets for all or any of the great Irish festivals on offer this year then make sure you pace yourself when drinking to make sure you get the most out of the day.

Beware of bugs

Protect yourself against bug bites. While we may not have to concern ourselves with insects carrying deadly diseases, Irish insects can and will still bite exposed areas causing your skin to become irritated. Pick up a good insect repellent, like the TMB’s DEET 55 and 100 or their DEET free repellent and bugbands to keep nasty biting bugs at bay. If you do get bitten, pick up some bug relief spray from selected Lloyds Pharmacies or Dunnes Stores nationwide or on Travelshop.ie to ease the pain.

Beware of amateur chefs

When breaking out the barbeque this summer, make sure you cook your food all the way through and do not leave food lying unattended, especially outdoors, as this could lead to severe cases of food poisoning. The summer may only last a few days – you don’t want to miss out due to a dodgy burger!

Don’t drink and dive

Do not swim while under the influence of alcohol. On the rare occasion that the sun comes out and people flock to Irish beaches, stay clear of drinking alcohol before swimming. Having alcohol in your system when entering the cold water can lead to serious issues such as hypothermia, disorientation, difficulty breathing and impairs your coordination.

Be prepared

While it seems amazing when the sun does actually come out to play, chances are it won’t stick around for long. Always be prepared for it to disappear as quickly as it appeared and have a jacket to hand to keep you warm.

Travel health

For travel health tips and advice call into your local TMB travel health clinic and speak to one of our qualified professionals. Our experts will guide you through the health requirements for your destination, telling you all you need to know about vaccinations, mosquito bite prevention and food hygiene.

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