Health risks with returning travellers

With the summer coming to an end, thousands of returning travellers, coming back to Ireland from their breaks abroad.

Although Ireland is considered a very healthy country with a low risk of diseases spreading through vectors, such as mosquitos and sand flies, returning travellers coming home could be carrying illnesses which pose potential risks to themselves and others.

Many Irish people may not be aware of the significant risks associated with traveling to some of the hotter regions of the world. There is also a common misconception that diseases can only be picked up in exotic destinations. However, even returning  travellers from countries close to home can pose a threat.

Developing symptoms

It is important to note that not all illnesses have immediate symptoms and some can develop slowly over time. Therefore, even if you are not sick immediately, returning travellers should be wary of symptoms that develop over your first few days back home.

Whether they are arriving from an exotic location or from a more traditional holiday destination, it is extremely important for holidaymakers to be aware of their health upon their return. It is also crucial that if travellers returning home are not feeling well, that they seek medical help as soon as possible to out rule any imported diseases.

To help make sure you’re illness free upon your return, Tropical Medical Bureau offers a post-holiday screening service as well as a 24-hour hotline for existing customers.

Travel Health

We hope that you find these tips useful. For travel health tips and advice call your local TMB travel health clinic and speak to one of our qualified professionals. Our experts will guide you through the health requirements for your destination, telling you all you need to know about vaccinations, mosquito bite prevention and food hygiene.

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Developing symptoms
Travel Health
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