How to Stay Safe in the Sun on Holiday

Living in Ireland has many blessings but acceptable exposure to the sun does not happen to rate well on its list of attributes. So, when we escape overseas we frequently soak up the sun’s rays in excess just in case we don’t see them for a long time. You see it all the time; pale and pasty leaving Dublin airport and red and roasting on their return. So, what do you need to know about sun exposure and how to stay safe in the sun when on holiday.

  • Sun burn is associated with skin cancer and is becoming a more serious problem as the years go by.
  • Travellers must ensure that they take care especially during the first few days of their trip.
  • Gentle limited exposure must be the rule while using adequate sun blocking agents.
  • Those with very sensitive skin should start with factor 20+ and only work down towards the lower factors if they are not burning.
  • Skiing and sea adventure holidays are a particular risk in this regard.
  • Remember that dreadful sun burn can occur closer to home on the Mediterranean holidays.
  • If you are badly burnt make sure you drink plenty of fluids and use the after sun creams to lessen the effects.
  • If you are travelling alone and get badly sun burnt never lock yourself into your room to recover. You must tell others of your predicament in case your absence is not noticed and the situation becomes severe.
  • Severe dehydration and sunstroke can kill.
  • Remember children get burnt very easily and they should wear sensible clothing to cover up well while playing in the sand.

Sun Safety Check List

  • Pack your sun cream
  • Start with a high factor and work down
  • If burnt take plenty of fluids
  • Seek medical attention early
  • Take especial care with children
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