Can you travel abroad with your pet?

Are you going away to an exotic destination this Christmas, visiting family abroad, or returning home? Though this can be exciting, we all know the feeling of leaving your beloved pet behind. Finding someone you trust to take care of your pet while you are away can be difficult. However, you don’t have to leave them behind. Here’s how you can travel abroad with your pet.

Get your pet passport

Yes, you heard us right. Pets require passports in order to fly between countries!

Proper documentation is always needed when travelling with your pet, so be sure to research the requirements of the Regional Veterinary Office of the destination of your travels prior to departing. This includes proof of vaccination and microchipping! Rules for travel vary depending on location, so it is best to have everything organised in advance!

Choose your accommodation wisely

Before embarking on your travels, take some time to do your research. If you are planning on staying in hotels/hostels/ airbnb’s, make sure they are pet-friendly.

There is nothing worse than being turned away at check-in, let alone losing your deposit! If you plan to stay with family or friends, make sure they are happy for your pet to join! It is polite to give people a heads up. You don’t want to be that person who shows up with a pet unannounced!

Make a holiday itinerary

If you are planning to travel with your pet, make sure it is a holiday for both of you! There are plenty of pet-friendly activities for you to do together. Research your destination and see if there is a nearby park or other pet-friendly locations that you and your pet can visit together.

Can you travel abroad with your pet? The answer is YES! If you and your pet are heading off an exotic destination, we strongly advise that you book an appointment at your local TMB clinic and get all of the recommended vaccinations.  

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