How to unwind on holidays

During your holidays, with all the excitement, it is easy to forget to rest. A trip away offers you the chance to try new activities, sample different food, see new places and to socialise with others. It is easy to forget to take some time to relax and recharge. Intentional and mindful rest during your holiday will help to improve your health but also will ensure you feel re-energized when you return home. Here are a few tips on how to unwind on holidays.

It’s not all about fitting everything in

If you like to explore your destination, it is great to have a few activities and excursions organised in advance of your holiday. However, try not to over plan your time away. Trying to do and see too much can become exhausting.  By taking your time, you can truly appreciate your surroundings.  It is good to know when to let go of your plans and to just enjoy the moment.

Have some time to yourself

If you are travelling with a group or a loved one don’t try to always keep up with one another and your itineraries. It is your holiday too, remember to make some space for yourself, do things only you like to do. If you are with others who want to go sightseeing but you rather lounge by the beach, don’t be afraid to communicate this. Simply spend the day on the beach relaxing – but just make sure not to get too relaxed that you fall asleep without topping up your sunscreen.  With some time to yourself, you will feel happier and more relaxed on your holiday as a pay-off.

Have an early night

Just because you are on your holidays doesn’t mean you need to be out every night. A long, lingering dinner, a few glasses of good wine and bed before midnight will mean you will wake up feeling more refreshed than you have done in months.

Limit your phone time

We cannot deny that many of us today spend too much time looking into our phone screens, so taking some time to appreciate your surroundings when away is certainly a good idea.

The thought of a phone detox during your holiday is a tempting challenge for some. However, this can be more stressful than it is worth, causing you to overthink about who may or may not be contacting you. To unwind on your holidays, try to put your phone away for a few hours. Limiting your phone time is a great alternative to a phone detox.

Take some time out to reflect

Did you know that a brain chemical, called serotonin, is released whenever you reflect on meaningful events and achievements from the past? Take time out during your holiday to relax and think through personal accomplishments that you are grateful for. Think about the people who inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals. Visualizing these events will fuel and energize you to get back to your lives after your holiday.

Travel Health

We hope you enjoyed our tips on how to unwind on holidays. Thinking of your next adventure? Visit us at one of our TMB clinics and speak to a qualified professional about the different vaccinations you may require.

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