Never leave luggage unattended
It’s a horrible feeling to have luggage stolen or lost while on your holiday, so try to always keep it as close as possible to you and your group. On a crowded train or bus make sure that you always have sight of larger bags. Keep your smaller personal items, like a purse or laptop bag, on your lap or between your legs. Making sure that you keep an eye or hand on all of your belongings means that it’s less likely to be taken or accidentally left behind.
Keep important documents and money on you at all times
The last thing anyone wants to lose during their travels is a bank card or their passport. Keep the important things close to you at all times! Wearing a waist belt or making sure you bring a purse that zips closed will help you make sure nothing leaves your possession. This way you will be able to enjoy your holiday along with all of your belongings on hand.
Try not to sleep on public transport alone

You may be tired after a long day of travel, but try your best to stay awake. If the drowsiness is too much and you are with a companion, try to take turns.
You don’t know who could be watching you or targeting you while you’re asleep, so try your best to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Not only will this make you less of a target for pickpockets, but it’ll also help you make sure that you don’t miss your stop.
Stay Safe from COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is important for travellers to reduce the spread of the virus and while social distancing may be difficult to maintain on public transport, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. One of the most effective ways to stay safe from Coronavirus while on public transport is by maintaining good hand hygiene by using an alcohol-based hand rub regularly while on-the-go. It is also advised to touch as few surfaces as possible and to avoid touching your face with your hands. Face coverings are also encouraged and compulsory on public transport in some countries to increase protection for both other passengers and staff.
For more information on face coverings please see Gov.ie Guidance on safe use of face coverings.
Plan your route ahead of time
It’s always best to have an idea of where you’re heading before venturing out. Getting lost in a new place can be stressful, but having a plan can help reduce the chances that you end up somewhere unfamiliar and unplanned. It’s always best to be prepared and know the stops that you’re getting off at.
Google Maps have recently implemented a feature which estimates busyness on public transport allowing users to see how crowded a certain bus or train line tends to be at particular times. This is a great way for public transport users to avoid crowds or find an alternative route or different travel time.
More details on Google Maps’ new safety features can be found here.
Try to blend in

Public transport may not be the best place to show off your fancy new jewellery. Tuck necklaces inside your clothing and turn your ring around so that valuable stones aren’t showing, or keep your nice watches and rings inside your purse so they aren’t visible.
Wearing your valuable jewellery on public transport will likely make you a target for pickpockets so if you are going to accessorize, try to stick with simple, inexpensive pieces.
Don’t talk with strangers
Having a light-hearted conversation is alright, but don’t share personal details of where you are staying and what you are doing with strangers on public transportation. The person you may be talking to might be perfectly fine, but those who overhear may not have your best interests in mind. It’s always best to be cautious of how much you’re telling others and what they could do with the information you give them.
We hope you found our public transport safety tips helpful. If you are heading off to an exotic adventure, we strongly advise that you book an appointment at your local TMB clinic and get all of the recommended vaccinations.