How to make friends when travelling

Making new friends from around the world is what makes travelling so exciting. Whether you are travelling on your own, with friends or in a group, it is always worthwhile making the effort to meet new people. When you look back on your travels, it is the friendships and memories you have made that make your adventures unique. However, is not always easy to make friends in new countries. Our travel specialists have some top tips on how to make friends when travelling to help make the process a little easier.

Be confident

Confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone, but when you are travelling you sometimes need to push yourself out of your comfort zone.  It is important to be open-minded and curious while travelling to get the most out of the experience.

The first step to how to make friends when travelling is to start a conversation with someone new.  This might seem daunting at first but once you start making the effort it becomes much easier.

Stay in hostels

Hostels are perfect places to stay to meet other like-minded travellers. They are full of globetrotters that are doing the same activity as you, so starting conversations are usually easy and relaxed.  Whether you are sharing a dormitory or you are eating breakfast in the canteen area with other backpackers, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people in hostels.

A lot of hostels also host events, meet-ups and group activities. So even if you don’t make friends with the people you are sharing a room with, there will be plenty of chances to do so elsewhere.

Volunteer – How to make friends when travelling

Volunteering has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to give back to the place you are visiting. As well as helping the local community, volunteering also gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills. You will meet people who share common interests with you, so it is extremely likely you will build some friendships by the end of your time volunteering.

Take a class or book a group tour

To make friends while travelling it is good to be open and enthusiastic while doing something fun that interests you. What better way to do so than by taking a class with other people and learning a new skill. It could be salsa lessons in Argentina, cooking classes in Thailand, a surf lesson in Bali or a scuba diving course in Mexico.

If classes aren’t for you, a great alternative is to book a group tour. Taking part in something adventurous or interesting is a great way to make friends when travelling.

Embrace public transportation

Travelling by plane, train, bus or boat can be a social experience. Ask the person next to you about the book their reading, offer them a sweet or simply strike up a conversation about the destination they are travelling to. It is passing conversations you have while travelling that creates the chance to build new friendships while abroad.

Travel Health

We hope that you find these tips on how to make friends when travelling useful. For more travel health tips and advice call your local TMB travel health clinic and speak to one of our qualified professionals.

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